
The contacts resource has full CRUD functionality. It allows you to Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete contacts. The following actions can be performed on this resource...

Retrieve All Contacts

Retrieves all contacts associated with your brand.


You can include additional parameters in the request as described in the Query Parameters section. For instance, the request below will return contacts with a status of "subscribed".


Example Response:

{ "data": [ { "contact_id": 5320593, "_brand_id": 123456789, "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "mobile_number_carrier": null, "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": "95420", "country": "US", "source": "api", "_source_id": null, "sub_source": null, "_sub_source_id": null, "custom_fields": null, "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed", "last_opt_in_status_change": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "created": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "last_updated": null } ], "pagingData": { "prevPage": null, "currentPage": null, "nextPage": null, "currentPageString": null, "hasMore": false } }

Retrieve a Specific Contact

Retrieves the single contact with the ID equal to {id}. The contact ID can be found using the retrieve all contacts endpoint.


Example Response:

{ "contact_id": 5320593, "_brand_id": 123456789, "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "mobile_number_carrier": null, "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": "95420", "country": "US", "source": "api", "_source_id": null, "sub_source": null, "_sub_source_id": null, "custom_fields": null, "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed", "last_opt_in_status_change": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "created": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "last_updated": null }

Edit a Specific Contact

Allows you to edit existing contacts. You can target an existing contact by passing the contact ID OR their mobile number in your PUT request. The contact ID can be found using the retrieve all contacts endpoint.



mobile_number The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +
first_name The first name of contact
last_name The last name of contact
email The email address of contact
birthdate The birthday of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD
address The street address of contact
city The city of contact
state The state of contact
zip The zip code of contact
country The country of contact
timezone The time zone of contact
  • America/New_York
  • America/Chicago
  • America/Denver
  • America/Los_Angeles
language The primary language of contact
opt_in_status The opt-in status of contact
  • not subscribed
  • subscribed
  • unsubscribed
  • blocked

Example Request Body:

{ "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": 95420, "country": "US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed" }

Example Response:

{ "contact_id": 5320593, "_brand_id": 123456789, "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "mobile_number_carrier": null, "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": 95420, "country": "US", "source": "api", "_source_id": null, "sub_source": null, "_sub_source_id": null, "custom_fields": null, "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed", "last_opt_in_status_change": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "created": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "last_updated": "2025-02-12 19:02:46" }

Create a Contact

Creates a new contact in the Brand. Using this action, the contact will receive no confirmation that they were subscribed. Only contacts who have given explicit permission to be sent text messages may be set to a subscribed status. SlickText holds a zero tolerance policy for sending unsolicited text messages.



mobile_number (mandatory) The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +
first_name The first name of contact
last_name The last name of contact
email The email address of contact
birthdate The birthday of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD
address The street address of contact
city The city of contact
state The state of contact
zip The zip code of contact
country The country of contact
timezone The time zone of contact
language The primary language of contact (“en”)
opt_in_status The opt-in status of contact (Default is not subscribed)
  • not subscribed
  • subscribed
  • unsubscribed
  • blocked
force_double_opt_in Set to “true” to force the user to agree to subscribing via double opt-in message

Example Request Body:

{ "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": 95420, "country": "US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed" }

Example Response:

{ "_brand_id": 123456789, "first_name": "Marty", "last_name": "McFly", "mobile_number": "+16155553338", "email": "", "birthdate": "1968-06-12", "address": "9303 Lyon Drive", "city": "Hill Valley", "state": "CA", "zip": 95420, "country": "US", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "language": "en", "opt_in_status": "subscribed", "source": "api", "last_opt_in_status_change": "2025-02-12 18:56:12", "contact_id": 5320593, "created": "2025-02-12 18:56:12" }

Delete a Specific Contact

Deletes an existing contact with the ID equal to {id} from your brand. The contact ID can be found using the retrieve all contacts endpoint. Using this action, the contact is simply removed completely from the brand. The contact can be re-opted in via the API at a later time. The contact will receive no confirmation that they were removed.


Example Response:
