

The account resource is extremely simple. Much of your account's information is available through the API. Currently, we do not support any POST requests on this resource and there is only 1 available function.

Retrieve Account Information

Returns several real-time pieces of data regarding your SlickText account. The information returned will provide you with insights on: your account as a whole, your current plan, rollover messages and account usage.


Example response:

	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"account": {
		"id": 7456334545,
		"email": "",
		"firstName": "Johnny",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"address": "123 Slick Rd",
		"city": "Buffalo",
		"state": "NY",
		"zipCode": "14201",
		"DateJoined": "2013-05-07 04:23:23",
		"nextBilling": "2016-12-06 00:00:23",
		"lastLogin": "2016-11-23 08:08:10",
		"mobileNumber": "+12223334444",
		"rolloverMonths": "3",
		"maxCharacterLimit": "160",
		"timezone": "America/New_York",
		"defaultTextNumber": "31996"
	"plan": {
		"name": "The Hoss",
		"price": "279",
		"totalTexts": "6000",
		"textwords": "12"
	"subscriptions": [
			"id": 144573,
			"type": "primary",
			"state": "active",
			"price": 279,
			"pastDueSince": null,
			"created": "2013-05-07 04:23:23",
			"lastUpdated": "22013-05-07 04:23:23",
			"periodStart": "2016-12-06 00:00:23",
			"periodEnd": "2017-01-06 00:00:23",
			"subtotal": 279,
			"currency": "USD",
			"addons": [
					"internalName": "text_messages",
					"name": "Text Messages",
					"quantity": 500,
					"price": 0
					"internalName": "keywords",
					"name": "Textwords",
					"quantity": 2,
					"price": 0
	"rollovers": [
			"totalAmount": 555,
			"amountAvailable": "555",
			"amountUsed": "0",
			"expires": "2016-12-15 05:53:57"
	"usage": {
		"totalCredits": 6555,
		"totalUsedCredits": 128,
		"totalTextwords": 22,
		"activeTextwords": 7,
		"totalSubscribers": "1"
