

Contacts are the people who have subscribed to your textword lists. With the API, you can create them (opt in), remove them (opt out), and retrieve them. The following actions can be performed on this resource...

Retrieve All Contacts

Retrieves all contacts associated with all textwords in your account. By default, you will get the first 20 contacts, but you can modify this with the limit and offset values in the query string. The max limit for a single request is 10,000.

When retrieving multiple contacts, you may also want to include additional criteria in the query string to filter the results by. Any field that is included in the resources is available for use as a filter. These are exact matches; They are case-sensitive and do not allow wildcards.

You may also want to filter your results by the date and time your contacts subscribed. You can do this by passing the subscribedAfter and / or subscribedBefore query string parameters. The values should be url encoded, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in the Pacific Timezone (America/Los_Angeles).

Example response:

	"meta": {
		"limit": 30,
		"offset": 10,
		"total": 1
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contacts": [
			"id": "620548156453356",
			"number": "+13334445555",
			"city": "Jamestown",
			"state": "NY",
			"zipCode": 14701,
			"country": "US",
			"textword": "43434439",
			"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"birthDate": null,
			"email": "",
			optInMethod": "api"


Retrieve a Specific Contact

Retrieves a specific contact with the id equal to {id}.

Example response:

	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contacts": [
			"id": "620548156453356",
			"number": "+13334445555",
			"city": "Jamestown",
			"state": "NY",
			"zipCode": 14701,
			"country": "US",
			"textword": "43434439",
			"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"birthDate": null,
			"email": "",
			optInMethod": "api"


Opt a Contact In

Opts a new contact into a specific textword list. Using this action, the subscriber will receive no confirmation that they were subscribed. If you would like to send an auto reply to the contact when opting them in, see "opting a contact in and sending an auto reply" below. Only contacts who have given explicitly permission to be sent text messages may be opted in. SlickText holds a zero tolerance policy for sending unsolicited text messages.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is OPTIN. This must be included or the request will fail.
textword (mandatory) The ID of the textword to which to add the contact.
number (mandatory) The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +.
firstName The first name of the contact.
lastName The last name of the contact.
email The email address of the contact.
birthDate The birthdate of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
city The city of the contact.
state The state of the contact. If no state is provided, one will be derived from the area code automatically.
zipCode The zipcode of the contact.
country The country of the contact.
*CustomField* If you have any custom subscriber fields set up on your textwords, you may also include those parameters in your requests. Use the field name exactly how it's seen in the account but with out spaces. They are also case sensitive.
Example response:

	"meta": {
		"success": true
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contact": {
		"id": "620548156453356",
		"number": "+13334445555",
		"city": "Jamestown",
		"state": "NY",
		"zipCode": 14701,
		"country": "US",
		"textword": "43434439",
		"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
		"firstName": "John",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"birthDate": null,
		"email": "",
		optInMethod": "api",
		"FavoriteFood": "Pizza"


Opt a Contact In and Send an Auto Reply

Opts a new contact into a specific textword list. Using this action, the subscriber will receive the "auto reply" text message for the particular keyword they are being opted into. Only contacts who have given explicitly permission to be sent text messages may be opted in. SlickText holds a zero tolerance policy for sending unsolicited text messages.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is OPTINWITHAUTOREPLY. This must be included or the request will fail.
textword (mandatory) The ID of the textword to which to add the contact.
number (mandatory) The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +.
firstName The first name of the contact.
lastName The last name of the contact.
email The email address of the contact.
birthDate The birthdate of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
city The city of the contact.
state The state of the contact. If no state is provided, one will be derived from the area code automatically.
zipCode The zipcode of the contact.
country The country of the contact.
*CustomField* If you have any custom subscriber fields set up on your textwords, you may also include those parameters in your requests. Use the field name exactly how it's seen in the account but with out spaces. They are also case sensitive.
Example response:

	"meta": {
		"success": true
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contact": {
		"id": "620548156453356",
		"number": "+13334445555",
		"city": "Jamestown",
		"state": "NY",
		"zipCode": 14701,
		"country": "US",
		"textword": "43434439",
		"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
		"firstName": "John",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"birthDate": null,
		"email": "",
		optInMethod": "api",
		"FavoriteFood": "Pizza"


Double Opt a Contact In

Double opts a contact in into a specific textword list. Using this action, the subscriber will receive a confirmation text message that they'll need to reply YES to before completing subscription. This is the recommended way to opt users in.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is DOUBLEOPTIN. This must be included or the request will fail.
textword (mandatory) The ID of the textword to which to add the contact.
number (mandatory) The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +.
doubleOptInMessage The confirmation message that is sent to the contact that is being opted in. They will need to reply YES to that text message in order to complete subscription. This message must be 160 characters or less. If this parameter is not provided, the contact will receive our default double opt in message.
firstName The first name of the contact.
lastName The last name of the contact.
email The email address of the contact.
birthDate The birthdate of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
city The city of the contact.
state The state of the contact. If no state is provided, one will be derived from the area code automatically.
zipCode The zipcode of the contact.
country The country of the contact.
*CustomField* If you have any custom subscriber fields set up on your textwords, you may also include those parameters in your requests. Use the field name exactly how it's seen in the account but with out spaces. They are also case sensitive.
Example response:

	"meta": {
		"success": true
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"pendingContact": {
		"id": "620548156453356",
		"number": "+13334445555",
		"city": "Jamestown",
		"state": "NY",
		"zipCode": 14701,
		"country": "US",
		"textword": "43434439",
		"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
		"firstName": "John",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"birthDate": null,
		"email": "",
		optInMethod": "api",
		"FavoriteFood": "Pizza"


Edit a Contact

Allows you to edit / update existing contacts on any of your lists. You can target an existing contact by passing the contact ID OR textword ID and their mobile number in your POST request.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is EDIT. This must be included or the request will fail.
id The ID of the subscriber you are attempting to edit.
textword The ID of the textword this subscriber belongs to.
number The US phone number of the contact. Must be at least 10 digits. It will be normalized to digits-only, preceded by a +.
firstName The first name of the contact.
lastName The last name of the contact.
email The email address of the contact.
birthDate The birthdate of the contact formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
city The city of the contact.
state The state of the contact. If no state is provided, one will be derived from the area code automatically.
zipCode The zipcode of the contact.
country The country of the contact.
*CustomField* If you have any custom subscriber fields set up on your textwords, you may also include those parameters in your requests. Use the field name exactly how it's seen in the account but with out spaces. They are also case sensitive.
Example response:

	"meta": {
		"success": true
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contact": {
		"id": "620548156453356",
		"number": "+13334445555",
		"city": "Jamestown",
		"state": "NY",
		"zipCode": 14701,
		"country": "US",
		"textword": "43434439",
		"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
		"firstName": "John",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"birthDate": null,
		"email": "",
		optInMethod": "api",
		"FavoriteFood": "Pizza"


Opt a Contact Out

Opts an existing contact with the id equal to {id} out of a specific textword list. Using this action, the opt out will be recorded in such a way that they will never be able to be re-opted in via any method but texting in to join. The subscriber will receive no confirmation that they were opted out.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is OPTOUT. This must be included or the request will fail.
Example response:


	"meta": {
		"success": true


Delete a Contact

Deletes an existing contact with the id equal to {id} out of a specific textword list. Using this action, the contact is simply removed from the list and can be re-opted in via the API at a later time. The subscriber will receive no confirmation that they were removed.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is DELETE. This must be included or the request will fail.
Example response:


	"meta": {
		"success": true
