

The textwords resource is very basic. All of the active textwords you've reserved through the SlickText dashboard are available through the API. The following actions can be performed on this resource...

Retrieve All Textwords

By default, the first set of 20 textwords will be returned, but you can modify this number with limit and offset values in the query string. The max limit for a single request is 10,000.

Example response:

	"meta": {
		"limit": 30,
		"offset": 10,
		"total": 1,
		"self": ""
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"textwords": [
			"id": "43434439",
			"word": "burgers",
			"autoReply": "Thanks for joining Bob's Burgers VIP text list! Show this text for a free order of fries with the purchase of a buger!",
			"added": "2012-07-09 11:08:46",
			"optOuts": "23",
			"ageRequirement": "0",
			"contactsCount": "4632",
			"textNumber": 476453

Retrieve a Specific Textword

Retrieves the single textword with the id equal to {id}.

Example response:


	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"textword": {
		"id": "43434439",
		"word": "burgers",
		"autoReply": "Thanks for joining Bob's Burgers VIP text list! Show this text for a free order of fries with the purchase of a buger!",
		"added": "2012-07-09 11:08:46",
		"optOuts": "23",
		"ageRequirement": "0",
		"contactsCount": "4632",
		"textNumber": 476453


Retrieve a Textword's Contacts

Retrieves all contacts associated with the textword with id equal to {id}. See contacts for more information.

When retrieving a textword's contacts, you may also want to include additional criteria in the query string to filter the results by. Any field that is included in the resources is available for use as a filter. These are exact matches; They are case-sensitive and do not allow wildcards.

Example response:

	"meta": {
		"limit": 20,
		"offset": 0,
		"total": 1
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"contacts": [
			"id": "620548156453356",
			"number": "+13334445555",
			"city": "Jamestown",
			"state": "NY",
			"zipCode": 14701,
			"country": "US",
			"textword": "43434439",
			"subscribedDate": "2016-11-23 08:08:00",
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"birthDate": null,
			"email": "",
			optInMethod": "api"


Delete a Textword's Contacts

Deletes all existing contacts that are subscribed to the textword with the id equal to {id}. Contacts are simply removed from the list and can be re-opted in via the API at a later time. The subscribers will receive no confirmation that they were removed.

Parameter Description
action (mandatory) The action for this specific request type is DELETESUBSCRIBERS. This must be included or the request will fail.
Example response:


	"meta": {
		"success": true
	"contactsDeleted": 4564


Retrieve a Textword's Messages

Retrieves all messages associated with the textword with id equal to {id}. See messages for more information.

Example response:

	"meta": {
		"limit": 20,
		"offset": 0,
		"total": 2
	"links": {
		"self": "",
		"next": ""
	"messages": [
			"id": "17793533",
			"campaign": "",
			"body": "Hey this is a test message from the API",
			"textword": "43434439",
			"autoReply": "0",
			"count": "4",
			"deleted": "0",
			"sent": "2012-07-01 07:00:02",
			"scheduled": "2012-07-01 07:00:00",
			"contact": null,
			"source": null,
			"mediaUrl": null
			"id": "178043243",
			"campaign": "",
			"body": "Testing messages from the API",
			"textword": "43434439",
			"autoReply": "0",
			"count": "5",
			"deleted": "0",
			"sent": "2012-07-01 08:00:02",
			"scheduled": "2012-07-01 08:00:00",
			"contact": null,
			"source": null,
			"mediaUrl": null

Retrieve a Textword's Segments

Retrieves all segments associated with the textword with id equal to {id}.

Example response:


	"meta": {
		"limit": 3,
		"offset": 0,
		"total": 3
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"segments": [
			"id": "285756753",
			"name": "716 Area Codes",
			"description": "All subscribesr with a 716 area code",
			"contacts_count": 1463
			"id": "285756754",
			"name": "814 Area Codes",
			"description": "All subscribesr with a 814 area code",
			"contacts_count": 386
			"id": "285756755",
			"name": "Labor Day Weekend 2016",
			"description": "All subscribesr who joined labor day weekend 2016",
			"contacts_count": 754


Retrieve a Textword's Custom Fields

Retrieves all custom fields associated with the textword with id equal to {id}.

Example response:


	"meta": {
		"limit": 3,
		"offset": 0,
		"total": 3
	"links": {
		"self": ""
	"customFields": [
			"textword": 43434439,
			"subscriberField": "var1",
			"subscriberFieldAlias": "Member Type",
			"dataType": "string"
			"textword": 43434439,
			"subscriberField": "var2",
			"subscriberFieldAlias": "Member ID",
			"dataType": "integer"
			"textword": 43434439,
			"subscriberField": "var3",
			"subscriberFieldAlias": "Last Purchase",
			"dataType": "date"
