
The Survey Question Responded Event

The "survey question responded" event is a webhook event that is triggered whenever someone responds to one of your survey questions.


Below is an example of the JSON data you'd receive from the "survey question responded" event.

   "Timestamp":"2017-03-22 12:40:33",
	  "SurveyName":"Test Survey",
	  "SurveyDescription":"This is my test survey",
	  "CompletionMessage":"Thank you for taking our survey. Your feedback is appreciated!",
	  "OptInMessage":"Join our VIP text list by responding with the word YES.",
	  "Created":"2017-02-31 09:39:21"
	  "Birthdate":"1991-02-13 00:00:00",
	  "Created":"2018-04-31 12:39:36",
	  "Question":"What's your favorite color?",
	  "Created":"2018-05-31 09:39:21"
	  "Created":"2018-05-30 09:39:21"