The Email Captured Event

The "email captured" event is a webhook event that is triggered whenever an email is captured from a subscriber. This event will happen in any of the following circumstances...

  • An email address is added to a subscriber's record from the dashboard.
  • Someone texts their email address to your shortcode after subscribing.


Below is an example of the JSON data you'd receive from the "email captured" event.

                       "Timestamp":"2014-08-14 19:25:53",
                          "Birthdate":"1985-09-15 00:00:00",
                          "DateSubscribed":"2014-08-14 19:17:46",
                          "OptInSource": "Text to Join",
                          "FavoriteFood": "Pizza"
                          "Description": "This is a demo textword",
                          "AutoReply":"Thanks for joining the SlickText text alerts list! Use co....
                          "EmailCaptureAutoReply":"Reply with your email address and receive...
                          "EmailCaptureConfirmation":"Thanks! We've marked your email down...